Beyond good to great, Dong-A Hwa Sung is reborn to compete with the world.

Dong-A Hwa Sung is looking for talented people
who work with constant innovation and passion based on the spirit of challenge.

Personnel System

Personnel Principles

  1. Open and rolling recruitment principles are based on meritocracy and equal opportunity.
  2. Recruitment of necessary personnel from time to time during the year
    (specialists, new employees with experience, overseas personnel, etc.)
  3. The principle of placement considers individual aptitudes, abilities, and wishes through interviews.- Implement job rotation based on individual wishes, aptitudes, etc.
  4. Implement reasonable and fair promotion, compensation, education, and training based on ability.

Promotion System

  • Manager
  • Responsible
  • Team Leader
  • Executive

Working Hours

Weekdays 08:00 ~ 18:00 (5 days a week)

Welfare Benefits

To realize human-respect management, we balance the working conditions of workers and the promotion of employee welfare and implement various welfare systems to improve employees' quality of life and enhance morale. We will do our best to help employees live in a more comfortable and stable environment.

  • Vacation System

    Annual leave, menstrual leave, summer vacation, and condolence leave for various events.

  • Social Security

    All benefits, including medical insurance, national pension, industrial accident insurance, and employment insurance, are granted.

  • Health checkup

    General health checkups for all employees once a year at the company's expense and special health checkups for particular jobs once a year.

  • Operating an in-house restaurant

  • Expenditure for congratulations and condolences

  • Other

    Dormitory operation, provision of snacks, support for in-house circle activities (mountain climbing, fishing, soccer, bowling)